Bug Off!
A little while ago we were lucky enough to be given a bottle of Dermadogs Insect Spray to review, so we can tell all you lovely people about it! We’ve been giving it a thorough test and we’re ready to share all our finding’s with you.
If you’ve never heard of Dermadog you can read all about them and their ethics in our spotlight about them here.
I will give you a quick run down though, Dermadog are a completely natural and chemical free dog care company. They make doggy wash bars, paw and nose balm and wonderful sprays which help keep you coat glossy, calm you down and even repel insects. They beleive in helping the planet, so all of their packaging is environmentally friendly, as well as keeping nasty chemicals away from us and our doggy’s.
Their insect defence spray is designed to be a natural alternative to the regular flea treatment you’ll find all over. It doesn’t include any of the nasty chemicals you’ll usually find in these kinds of things. It’s meant to help repel fleas and ticks from our four legged friends. Straightaway this sounds like a winner to me, I can’t be the only one who hates the post flea treatment moments, where you can’t touch your pups back for fear of getting those chemicals all over yourself. My two also hate being wet, and so after applying their flea treatment the pair of them will rub themselves all over any soft furnishing they can find, my sofa smells of flea treatment for days, and it’s not a nice smell.
Dermadogs insect defence spray comes in a lovely little glass spray bottle, which fits really nicely in your hand, as well as being easily tucked away in your handbag for any long walk top ups you feel you might need. I absolutely love this spray bottle, we’ve been using their Glossy spray for a while now and I just love how it send out a fine mist that can catch all the areas you need in one, maybe two squirts. This is a brilliant feature if you’re like me and have two pups who also hate being sprayed with anything, I am forever chasing them around with conditioning sprays. The insect spray is no different in this respect and works just as well.
Another thing I’m always raving about with Dermadog is the smell of their products. They all smell gorgeous! And this includes their insect spray. It has a hit of citrus as well as a gorgeous cedarwood undertone. It’s already winning against traditional flea treatments on smell alone. I’ve found this scent lingers on the dogs for at least a couple of days, which is great as it acts as a deodoriser as well! I will be honest I’ve always been quite lucky with the girls in regards to fleas and ticks, but they have always been regularly flea treated. When testing this spray out I chose to stop their treatment for a little while to see how well this spray really worked. I have to say I have seen no signs of any fleas or ticks on them at all, no uneccessary scratching or anything, plus they’ve been smelling incredible.
I would say that we give this spray all paws up! It works incredibly well, smells great and does all of this while still being good for the pups, myself and the environment. I would definitely reccommend this spray to anyone looking for a flea treatment alternative, it’s easy hassle free application makes it even more of a winner!
Want to grab one of your own? Head on over to Dermadogs website here.
NOTE: This product was gifted to us.